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Important characters in the history

Throughout history, there have been people of great importance to our society. These people have helped to improve social, economic, and sports aspects, among others. Sometimes it is important to remember them and their contributions that were very useful for the progress of our society. Currently, we enjoy many privileges and technological advances but most of the time we don’t remember who was the one who started or fostered these changes and advances.


In this opportunity, the eleventh-grade students remembered those people in a very creative way and demonstrated their artistic abilities. Clay is a widely used material in many schools, but it is used mainly by preschool and primary students. During this activity, the eleventh-grade students modeled their characters remembering that time in primary school, they showed that is not too old to show how much creativity there is in each one of us. Although, it was a bit complicated to make a character out of clay, after a lot of tries and failures they achieved a good result, and the students were finally able to tell the biography of their characters mentioning those important aspects and the reason why they chose them. In this way, they were able to demonstrate their artistic skills and their ability to speak in English.


By: Teacher Mayra Alejandra Céspedes  

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