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1st Domingo Savio's
English Olympics

The idea of creating an English Olympics emerged by English teachers to contribute the innovation and new events at Domingo Savio’s high school. For this reason, the first English Olympics were developed on June 2nd.


There were four participants from 10th and 11th grade, 2 students from Jorge Isaac’s High School, and 2 pupils from Domingo Savio’s High School uniting them in a friendly and competitive atmosphere. This event not only encouraged the development of language skills but also fostered intellectual growth and cultural understanding.

These Olympics were classified into three categories so that three judges could decide who may continue participating, the sets were:

1. Vocabulary: The participants should write the correct term according to a picture that depended on the subcategory: Parts of the house, parts of the body, verbs, means of transport, and environment.

2. Spelling: First-round, a judge reads a word and the student must spell it. Second-round, a judge spelled a term, and the student must say it. Time was vital to answer since the participants had 20 seconds.

3. Grammar. It was divided into 2 parts. The first part was about rewriting sentences in passive voice considering the verbal tenses and the grammatical structure. The second part was about completing sentences using verbs in past participle, the second and the third conditional.

Finally, the judges decided, and the winner was Juan Pablo Perdomo from Jorge Isaac’s High School. The English Olympics was not just a competition but a celebration of language, intellect, and the unyielding pursuit of knowledge. It was an opportunity to showcase students’ skills, connect with like-minded individuals and create memories that will last a lifetime.

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